Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Glorious Efficiency

I try so hard to be as efficient as possible, so here's today's tidbit:

I prefer to have a "laundry day" over doing a load or two daily.  I have a friend who can't sleep unless all the washables in the house are laundered every day...I sleep just fine amid my piles:)  Anyway, a while back, I couldn't help but feel like maybe I needed two dryers to keep up with my washing machine's capabilities.  The washer can do a load in half the time it takes the dryer.  So then I got smart.  I always hang dry our sheets and blankets indoors or out-and yes, I have left blankets out in the rain because I can't remember anything:)

Here's how I work efficiently:  I wash a clothing load, and when they go in the dryer I put a blanket in the washer.  When the blanket is clean, I hang it up and put in another clothing load and by the time the dryer is finished with the first load, I've washed two loads for every dryer cycle.  The key is definitely using my timer...because I can't remember anything.

What do you do to improve your efficiency?

1 comment:

  1. haha. are you talking about me and my laundry OCD?!?!
    I've gotten a bit better. But I still would rather do one load each night than three or four at a time ;)

    hmmmm..... don't know what I do efficiently.... I'll have to think on it :)
