Saturday, March 5, 2011

Closets to be proud of:)

Let me begin by saying...organizing is one of my favorite activities.  Unfortunately, it takes a good combination of creativity, time, and need.  Those don't always meet in the middle. 
Sometimes, I have to reorganize an entire cabinet just because I went a little crazy at the grocery store.

So, I actually got started last night while my hubby was out and my son was sleeping (Nadia was at her grandmother's).  I had been looking at this one closet of mine that used to house the vacuum, but when we got a new one, I realized this one can't be manipulated to fit. :(  That left me with the entire bottom "shelf" unused.  Plus, I figured out that all my smaller appliances can fit on one shelf.  That left me with another entire shelf unused...**sigh**--insert warm-fuzzies here.

This morning, I feared that I wouldn't feel like getting more done, but after the rush I got last night, I couldn't wait to get started.  I have learned over the years, that the more you stay on top of the organization, the easier it is to reorganize.  It also means that it takes WAY less time to actually clean because everything already has a place to belong, instead of stuffing things in a drawer and never being able to find them.

In hindsight, I realize I should have taken pics of before and after--I'll try to remember next time.

I have helped several people in the past to get areas organized (once, a whole house).  That is the best feeling ever!!  Knowing you're giving someone peace of mind, that is.  I actually got an offer to come help someone else from a post I put on FB, and I'm pumped:)

All that to say, I have always been grateful for the ability and love of organizing.  What should I organize next?

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