Friday, February 25, 2011

Just one of those days

Today I have been an emotional wreck.  It started last night, actually, with the nausea and light-headed feelings that I have learned are my body's way of showing stress.  So I think back over the last week or so and put my finger on a few stressors.  Problem is, I can't do much about most of them.  Life stinks sometimes.  I like the sign up the street that says, "When life gives you lemons, give the lemons to God."  I have obviously not been doing that.  We'll label that Project #1.

So I lay around all morning just wishing away the nausea.  An old friend IM'd me on FB--that was a welcome surprise:)  I finally forced myself to get up and in the shower.  Sometimes it makes me feel better, other times not so much.  Today was a not so much kinda day.  I really needed to get some errands run before my kids got out of school early.  After forcing myself out the door, I get to the store and realize that what I need to purchase is not fresh-looking.  It was an errand for a dear friend of mine who recently moved to Good Ole' Miss.  So I call her.  We end up not getting what I came for but continue talking.  I get to another store when she drops the bomb question: "Are you doing alright?"  Just to give you a visual--I am weeping in a parking lot with wadded up tissues trying desperately to not have anyone see the snot. 

Then, she takes the time to pray for me right there on the phone.  God has obviously blessed me with this friendship, and I couldn't help but think it was ironic when she asked the Lord to send someone encouraging my way.  SHE WAS MY ENCOURAGEMENT.  I have not voiced the issue with many others, but she has always been there for me, giving me advice, and reminding me to continue fighting Satan.

Thanks, Peg--I love you :)

I must wonder, have I ever been that encouraging to anyone?

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