My aunt and mother have done this for years, and I love it. It saves a little money, and the color-coordination can be great!
This is my "current year" filing station (I hide it behind the TV in the living room bc it's easy to access and nobody can see it back there--it's unused space anyway). That binder has sheet protectors in it that divide my receipts, and a binder clip for my checkbook registers. My general categories are gas, clothing, food, medical, large purchases (and warranties), tools/home improvements, Christmas, and Misc. It changes a little each year. The manila files are for paid bills, pay stubs, and Medical/Dental.
The green pocket folder is for my bills. It has two pocket-thingies in it. The front folder there (green) is paid bills...I keep them there until it gets full enough to move them. That front orange pocket is where I keep the mortgage booklet and any bills that don't need to be paid right away. On the reverse side of that is where I keep other important papers that aren't bills, like our KOA membership card. I also have a pocket for anything that I'll need for end-of-year taxes, and a pocket for yearly membership-type stuff. The last pocket is reserved for keeping papers I have no idea what else to do with:) I keep the folder open-side up so I can just throw things in when they come in the mail, then deal with them when I pay bills.
My actual bill schedule is set up in a spreadsheet. This has earned me the "nerd" title. But I don't pay anything late and I always know how much is due, when, and anything else I care to HA! I can't seem to upload the spreadsheet, so I'll have to figure that one out later.
And thank you Jill Botham, for letting me borrow your computer thus allowing me to post pics!!